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What to Do About Varicose Veins

Is it way past time to get rid of varicose veins? How about preventing more from forming? Vein health in your legs is a two-step process. You need to seek treatment at a vein clinic and change your lifestyle to improve your circulation. Consider some ways you can get relief from painful varicose veins.

Where to Start?

Your first appointment with the South Jersey vein doctors will be one of discovery. The vascular surgeons will assess your medical history and general health. They may also map out the vein system in your legs to evaluate your current situation. This is done with a specialized device called a venous Doppler. The Doppler procedure allows the doctors to see each vein and determine how well blood flows.

Vein mapping is also about determining your leg health. There may be an underlying disease that is causing your varicose veins, such as venous insufficiency.

Vein Treatment Options

Once the testing is complete, the vascular surgeons can develop a treatment plan specific to each patient. For varicose veins, treatment options include:

  • Sclerotherapy – An injected solution causes problem veins to collapse and disappear
  • Microphlebectomy – The surgeon removes the vein through tiny incisions
  • Endovenous radiofrequency ablation – Physicians use sound waves to cause the wall of a vein to collapse
  • Endovenous laser therapy – A light therapy treatment that closes a problem vein

Deciding which treatment option is right for you will depend on the size and depth of the varicose vein. Most of the procedures are minimally invasive, and all are done at the vein clinic.

Preventing Varicose Veins

There is no surefire way to prevent varicose veins from forming, but there are things you can do to reduce your risk and improve your comfort. Start with a regular exercise program. This improves your overall circulation and can make existing varicose veins less painful. Weight management is another critical part of the formula. Stick to a high-fiber, low-salt diet.

When you are sitting, whether at work or relaxing at home, keep your legs elevated. This helps keep the blood from backing up in your veins. If you work in an office, make sure to take frequent breaks that allow you to get up and stretch your legs. Setting up a standing desk will mean you can continue to work whether you are sitting.

If varicose veins are a chronic problem, your doctor may also recommend you avoid tight clothing. Compression stockings support the veins, squeezing the legs and forcing blood to move more efficiently.

The most effective treatment plan will be a combination of approaches. From testing to home care, the South Jersey vein doctors can help you get rid of varicose veins.

Book a consult and speak to a health advisor today!

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