Decisions, Decisions – Considering Cosmetic Services

One of the nice things about the modern world is that if you don’t like what Nature handed you, you can make some changes. Cosmetic services abound these days, whether it’s to correct sun damage, eliminate wrinkles or restore a more youthful look. The biggest difficulty might be choosing among the options. Here are some suggestions from vein specialist and cosmetic doctor Charles Dietzek, MD, of the Vein and Vascular Institute of New Jersey.

The Aging Process

We all get older – it’s one of those inescapable facts of life. There are ways to maintain your looks, though. First, start with the basics: eat a healthy diet, drink alcohol only in moderation, exercise regularly, get sufficient sleep (you need at least seven to eight hours a night) and don’t smoke or use tobacco in any form. These strategies will help keep you and your skin as healthy as possible. Even if you follow these tips, however, sun exposure can damage your skin, age spots will appear and you’ll eventually lose collagen – one of the skin’s primary supporting structures.

The Treatment Process

Treatment begins with an assessment in our cosmetic center. We offer a free skin assessment from our highly trained aestheticism, who can make recommendations for skin care. If you also have problems like age spots, wrinkles and sun damage, you may need medical aesthetic services from Dr. Dietzek. Each person’s situation is different, and what works for one person may not work for another. Expert advice will help ensure that you get the treatment you need without unnecessary services.

Cosmetic Services

We offer skin peels, microneedling, dermaplaning and products like Juvederm®, Radiesse®, BOTOX® and Belotero® . Many of these treatments take 30 minutes or less, and in some cases, the results are apparent immediately. You may be able to pop in on your lunch hour, for example, to receive a Botox® injection to correct or help prevent wrinkles. In many cases, down time is minimal or non-existent – you may be able to go back to your normal activities immediately or at the most, within a day or two.

Cosmetic Center Treatment Options

Cosmetic services typically include treatments like injectable fillers. Juvederm® and Radiesse® are two that we use. These materials plump up skin and fill in wrinkles or lines, restoring a smooth look and more youthful appearance. BOTOX® and Belotero® , on the other hand, work by preventing muscles from contracting, which can help prevent wrinkles in the first place. Prepared from a toxin that causes paralysis, when injected in tiny amounts these highly refined medications can pretty well eliminate wrinkles.

While you can’t turn back the hands of time, you can look your best no matter what your age. Contact us at the Vein and Treatment Center for answers to your questions or to schedule your free skin assessment. Our cosmetic services can help you put your best face forward.

Book a consult and speak to a health advisor today!

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