Will blood clots go away on their own?

When you get a cut, it tears or breaks tiny blood vessels within that tissue, causing you to bleed. The amount that you bleed depends on the location and severity of the cut, but in most people, after several minutes the blood will stop flowing and clot. This is because platelets in the blood cause the blood to congeal, acting as a plug to stop the bleeding. Once the wound heals, the body breaks the clot down.

Sometimes this process occurs, and the clot can form within a blood vessel. In these cases, the body is not able to dissolve the clot on its own and medical intervention is required to correct the situation.

How does the body get rid of blood clots?

The blood clot contains a protein called plasmin. When the clot is forming and during the healing process, it is inactive. However, once the body has healed, it releases certain substances that activate the plasmin and it begins breaking down the clot. The human body is a wonderfully complex machine and while it is capable of reacting in this manner to most blood clots, there are some that it cannot dissolve. In these cases, vein treatment is necessary. They can also cause veins to bulge.

When that happens, such as with deep vein thrombosis, a doctor may prescribe certain drugs called anticoagulants, or blood thinners, to keep the clot from increasing in size and prevent new clots from forming. Anticoagulants do now cause blood clots to dissolve. However, severe conditions such as a pulmonary embolism, a type of drug called thrombolytics are used to break up the clot.

Do you need vein treatment?

If you have any type of vein problems you should be evaluated by a vein doctor to be certain your condition is not serious. There are some issues that occur in the veins that require treatment, but even if you are just battling ropy, bulging veins and want your legs to look better, that usually warrants vein treatment as well.

The best way to approach this is to have a frank conversation with your doctor. Express your concerns and let them examine you. Even if they say you don’t need treatment because you do not have an emergent condition, it does not close the door on getting rid of unsightly veins. Don’t be shy! Vein treatment can make your legs look and feel better. You deserve that.

The Vein and Vascular Institute of New Jersey specialize in vascular surgery, vein treatment, and a number of aesthetic services including Botox®. If you have vein problems, call today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Charles Dietzek. Whether you want more beautiful legs, or you are concerned about a vein condition such as deep vein thrombosis, we can help. Call and make your appointment today.

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