Injectables 101: Meet Radiesse®

Once upon a time, people had no choice but to accept the signs of aging, from wrinkles to a loss of facial volume and from sagging skin to dark spots. But, now, there are number of ways to fight the signs of aging and to turn back the hands of time. Injectables, such as Radiesse®, can reduce the appearnce of wrinkles and add volume to the face. Getting to know the types of injectable fillers available, what they do and how they are different from each other can help you choose the products that are right for you.

All About Radiesse®

What Is It Made From?

One of the big differences between Radiesse and other types of injectable fillers is the material used in the filler. While fillers such as Juvederm and Belotero contain hyaluronic acid, a substance naturally produced by the body, Radiesse is made from calcium hydroxylapatite. It is a synthetic filler, but made from a material similar to that found in human bone.  The calcium hydroxylapatite found in Radiesse is in the form of tiny microspheres, which are suspended in a gel.

What Does It Do?

Radiesse works in two ways. When a doctor first injects it, the gel acts as a filler. It is thick enough to fill in the deepest creases and lines. It’s commonly used to fill in the nasolabial folds, which are often known as the smile or laugh lines, to fill in the marionette lines that stretch from the corners of the mouth down to the chin, and to fill in other line on the face.

The filler can also be used to add volume to the face. It is often used to help reverse the appearance of facial wasting, due to fat loss, that patients with HIV develop.

One sign of aging that people often don’t think about develops on the hands. The hands lose volume as you get older, and become more bony in appearance. The veins on the hands also become more visible. Radiesse is often used to add volume to the backs of the hands, making them look smoother and younger.

How Long Does Treatment Take?

Treatment with any type of injectable usually doesn’t take very long. Often, a doctor can perform a treatment with Radiesse in about 15 minutes. Local anesthetic can be used to reduce any discomfort caused by the needle. Depending on how large the area is that a patients wants to treat, only one or two treatment sessions might be needed.

How Long Do Results Last?

The unique thing about Radiesse is that it provides results in two steps. The filler first plumps up the treated area. Then, the calcium stimulates the production of collagen beneath the skin, which helps the results last even after the filler has worn off. Usually, results from the injection last for at least a year.

To learn more about Radiesse and your options for fillers, contact the Vein and Vascular Institute in New Jersey today.

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