How Radiesse Can Change Your Life

Radiesse is an FDA-approved, synthetic non-surgical injectable filler. It is utilized to fill in deep wrinkles and fine lines. Not only does it work to reduce the presence of existing wrinkles, but it also promotes collagen production to reduce future wrinkles. This will help you continue to achieve a youthful appearance, even after treatment. The following are some practical ways this procedure can change your life and the many benefits of the treatment:

It’s a Budget Friendly Option:

Perhaps you have never before been able to consider such a treatment. This likely is due to the number of treatments required to achieve any significant results with other fillers and the cost of each application. Thankfully, the cost of this procedure is easy on the budget and lasts a long time. This means you don’t have to run back to our office immediately for additional treatments. It is important to realize, though, that it will take a few applications to achieve the desired result. However, once you reach that point, your results can last for a significant amount of time.

It Gives Natural Look Results:

We have all seen photos of celebrities who have gone through one too many cosmetic or plastic procedures. Their faces don’t look natural. They instead look pained and somewhat alien. It would be comical if it weren’t so sad to see them in that state. Thankfully, this treatment works to create a natural, youthful look. The results will look like you, just a younger version of yourself. This means you don’t have to worry about losing your natural expression or your overall appearance.

You Are Less Likely to Have an Allergic Reaction:

Some people cannot use collagen fillers and other injectables, due to an allergic reaction. If you can relate, there is a good chance you can use this treatment without having an allergic reaction. This is because the ingredients used to create this treatment are more compatible with and don’t dissolve in your body, which means your body is less likely to reject the treatment.

A “Lunchtime Injectable” With no Downtime:

Another negative aspect of typical injectables is the time it takes for the procedure. In other words, many traditional injectables can cause excessive swelling and inflammation after treatment. Consequently, you are forced to take off work to have these procedures performed. However, this procedure is what is referred to as a “lunchtime injectable.” This means you don’t have to miss work. In fact, the extent of your negative effects will likely be slight redness, light bruising and perhaps some skin sensitivity. Therefore, you won’t have to miss work to have this procedure performed.

Gives Long-Lasting Results:

Above all else, you likely want to know how long your results will last after treatment. Typically, your treatment will last from 12 to 24 months in high movement areas. In lower movement areas, your treatment can last up to 36 months.
We would love to help you positively impact your life through the use of Radiesse. When you look good, you will feel better about yourself and your life in general, which is how this procedure can change your life for the better. Call us today to learn more about the procedure, its benefits and how it can be utilized to promote a youthful appearance.

Book a consult and speak to a health advisor today!

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